@prefix pr: .
@prefix owl: .
@prefix rdfs: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix skos: .
@prefix dct: .
@prefix foaf: .
@prefix xsd: .
@prefix wd: .
@prefix wdt: .
@prefix dcat: .
a owl:Ontology, skos:ConceptScheme ;
dct:title "WRITE Ontology"@en, "Ontologia WRITE"@it;
skos:prefLabel "WRITE Ontology"@en, "Ontologia WRITE"@it;
dct:creator "Katarina Lucic", "Valentina Pasqual", "Francesca Tomasi" ;
dct:publisher "/DH.ARC - Digital Humanities Advanced Research Centre"@en, "Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica - FICLIT"@it;
dct:description "The WRITE ontology is aimed at representing the emerging phenomenon of Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy. In particular, the WRITE data model comprises artistic, linguistic, and socio-political-economic aspects. Metadata describing the artworks is structured by reusing and extending the Wikidata model. Complex relations are established between artworks and contextual elements, (e.g. people, exhibition history, organizations, and literary works). The artistic and linguistic information recorded over the ‘calli-writing units’ provide insights into shared and diverging characteristics with traditional calligraphy."@en, """L'ontologia WRITE mira a rappresentare il fenomeno emergente della calligrafia cinese contemporanea. In particolare, il modello di dati WRITE comprende aspetti artistici, linguistici e socio-politico-economici. I metadati che descrivono le opere d'arte sono strutturati riutilizzando ed estendendo il modello Wikidata. Sono stabilite relazioni complesse tra opere d'arte ed elementi contestuali (ad esempio persone, cronologia delle mostre, organizzazioni e opere letterarie). Le informazioni artistiche e linguistiche registrate sulle "unità di scrittura calligrafica" forniscono approfondimenti sulle caratteristiche condivise e divergenti con la calligrafia tradizionale."""@it ;
owl:imports skos:, wd:, wdt: ;
dct:language "English"@en, "Italiano"@it ;
dct:created "2020" ;
dct:issued "2019-04-09"^^xsd:date ;
owl:versionInfo "1.0" ;
skos:hasTopConcept pr:CalliWritingUnit, pr:DecorativeAndAppliedArt, pr:LifeEvent, pr:TraditionalArtwork ;
dcat:downloadURL ;
foaf:homepage .
pr:CalliWritingUnit a owl:Class, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
skos:topConceptOf ;
rdfs:label "Calli-Writing Unit"@en, "Calli-Writing Unit"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "Calli-Writing Unit"@en, "Calli-Writing Unit"@it ;
rdfs:comment "A content component of the described cultural item which somehow recognised to be contemporary calligraphy."@en, "Un componente di contenuto dell'oggetto culturale descritto che in qualche modo è riconosciuto come calligrafia contemporanea."@it .
pr:DecorativeAndAppliedArt a owl:Class, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
skos:topConceptOf ;
rdfs:label "Decorative and Applied Art"@en, "Arti decorative e applicate"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "Decorative and Applied Art"@en, "Arti decorative e applicate"@it ;
rdfs:comment "An artwork categorised as belonging to Decorative and Applied Arts."@en, "Un'opera d'arte classificata come appartenente alle arti decorative e applicate."@it .
pr:LifeEvent a owl:Class, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
skos:topConceptOf ;
rdfs:label "Life Event"@en, "Evento della vita"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "Life Event"@en, "Evento della vita"@it ;
rdfs:comment "A life event (e.g. employment, residence, education)."@en, "Un evento della vita (ad esempio impiego, residenza, istruzione)."@it .
pr:TraditionalArtwork a owl:Class, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
skos:topConceptOf ;
rdfs:label "Traditional Artwork"@en, "Opera d'arte tradizionale"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "Traditional Artwork"@en, "Opera d'arte tradizionale"@it ;
rdfs:comment "An artwork categorised as being made before 1980."@en, "Un'opera d'arte classificata come realizzata prima del 1980."@it .
pr:academic-artistic-formation a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "academic artistic formation"@en, "formazione artistica accademica"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "academic artistic formation"@en, "formazione artistica accademica"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The academic specialisation of a person. Do not specify the type of degree (e.g. Master), but just the subject (e.g. visual arts)."@en, "La specializzazione accademica di una persona. Non specificare il tipo di laurea (ad esempio Master), ma solo la materia (ad esempio arti visive)."@it .
pr:artistic-collective-type a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "artistic collective type"@en, "tipo collettivo artistico"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "artistic collective type"@en, "tipo collettivo artistico"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The type of an artistic collective."@en, "Il tipo di collettivo artistico."@it .
pr:artwork-type a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "artwork type"@en, "tipo di opera d'arte"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "artwork type"@en, "tipo di opera d'arte"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The type of an artwork."@en, "Il tipo di un'opera d'arte."@it .
pr:attributed-name a owl:DatatypeProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "attributed name"@en, "nome attribuito"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "attributed name"@en, "nome attribuito"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The name attributed to the resource."@en, "Il nome attribuito alla risorsa."@it .
pr:background-color a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "background color"@en, "colore di sfondo"@it;
skos:prefLabel "background color"@en, "colore di sfondo"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The color(s) in the background of the object."@en, "Il/i colore/i sullo sfondo dell'oggetto."@it .
pr:belongs-to-write-collection a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "belongs to WRITE collection"@en, "appartiene alla collezione WRITE"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "belongs to WRITE collection"@en, "appartiene alla collezione WRITE"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The item belongs to one of the four collections of WRITE project (Graffiti, Contemporary Visual Art, Decorative and Applied Arts and Performative Arts)."@en, "L'oggetto appartiene a una delle quattro collezioni del progetto WRITE (Graffiti, Arte visiva contemporanea, Arti decorative e applicate e Arti performative)."@it .
pr:calligrapher a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "calligrapher"@en, "calligrafo"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "calligrapher"@en, "calligrafo"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The calligrapher who is involved in a performance."@en, "Il calligrafo che è coinvolto in una performance."@it .
pr:calligraphic-formation a owl:DatatypeProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "has calligraphic formation"@en, "ha una formazione calligrafica"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "has calligraphic formation"@en, "ha una formazione calligrafica"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The type of calligraphic formation of a person (e.g. familiar, self-taught)."@en, "Il tipo di formazione calligrafica di una persona (ad esempio familiare, autodidatta)."@it .
pr:calligraphic-line a owl:DatatypeProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "calligraphic line"@en, "linea calligrafica"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "calligraphic line"@en, "linea calligrafica"@it ;
rdfs:comment "Indicates the presence (or absence) of calligraphic line features in the unit."@en, "Indica la presenza (o l'assenza) di caratteristiche di linee calligrafiche nell'unità."@it .
pr:character-form a owl:DatatypeProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "character form"@en, "forma del carattere"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "character form"@en, "forma del carattere"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The character form of a calligraphic unit."@en, "La forma del carattere di un'unità calligrafica."@it .
pr:chinese-concept a owl:DatatypeProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "chinese concept"@en, "concetto cinese"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "chinese concept"@en, "concetto cinese"@it ;
rdfs:comment "A philosophical, literary, cultural, social or other concept or notion present in the resource."@en, "Un concetto o una nozione filosofica, letteraria, culturale, sociale o di altro tipo presente nella risorsa."@it .
pr:chinese-visual-element a owl:DatatypeProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "chinese visual element"@en, "elemento visivo cinese"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "chinese visual element"@en, "chinese visual element"@en ;
rdfs:comment "A visual element (motif) from chinese culture present in the resource."@en, "Un elemento visivo (motivo) della cultura cinese presente nella risorsa."@it .
pr:creates-artwork a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "creates artwork"@en, "crea opere d'arte"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "creates artwork"@en, "crea opere d'arte"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The artwork produced during a performance."@en, "L'opera d'arte prodotta durante una performance."@it .
pr:dance-company a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "dance company"@en, "compagnia di danza"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "dance company"@en, "compagnia di danza"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The dance company who is involved in a performance."@en, "La compagnia di danza che è coinvolta in uno spettacolo."@it .
pr:dance-style a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "dance style"@en, "stile di danza"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "dance style"@en, "stile di danza"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The dance style in a performance."@en, "Lo stile di danza in una performance."@it .
pr:dancer a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "dancer"@en, "ballerino/a"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "dancer"@en, "ballerino/a"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The dancer who is involved in a performance."@en, "Il ballerino/a che è coinvolto/a in una performance."@it .
pr:description a owl:DatatypeProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "description"@en, "descrizione"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "description"@en, "descrizione"@it ;
rdfs:comment "A textual description of the resource."@en, "Una descrizione testuale della risorsa."@it .
pr:graduated-in a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "graduated in"@en, "laureato in"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "graduated in"@en, "laureato in"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The name of the field in which the person graduated in. The specialisation taken by a student."@en, "Il nome del campo in cui la persona si è laureata. La specializzazione intrapresa da uno studente."@it .
pr:graffiti-style a owl:DatatypeProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "graffiti style"@en, "stile di graffiti"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "graffiti style"@en, "stile di graffiti"@it ;
rdfs:comment "A style of graffiti implied in the making of the resource."@en, "Uno stile di graffiti implicito nella realizzazione della risorsa."@it .
pr:has-chengyu a owl:DatatypeProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "has chengyu"@en, "ha chengyu"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "has chengyu"@en, "ha chengyu"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The presence of the four-character traditional Chinese idiomatic expression."@en, "La presenza dell'espressione idiomatica tradizionale cinese di quattro caratteri."@it .
pr:has-seal a owl:DatatypeProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "has seal"@en, "ha il sigillo"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "has seal"@en, "ha il sigillo"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The presence of the seal(s)."@en, "La presenza del/dei sigillo/i."@it .
pr:has-unit a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "has unit"@en, "ha unità"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "has unit"@en, "ha unità"@it ;
rdfs:comment "A content unit (Calli-Writing Unit) expressed by a work of art."@en, "Un'unità di contenuto (Calli-Writing Unit) espressa da un'opera d'arte."@it .
pr:music-style a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "music style"@en, "stile musicale"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "music style"@en, "stile musicale"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The music style in a performance."@en, "Lo stile musicale in una performance."@it .
pr:musician a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "musician"@en, "musicista"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "musician"@en, "musicista"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The musician who is involved in a performance."@en, "Il musicista che è coinvolto in una performance."@it .
pr:note a owl:DatatypeProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "notes"@en, "note"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "notes"@en, "note"@it ;
rdfs:comment "Notes on resources related to the record."@en, "Note sulle risorse relative al record."@it .
pr:number-of-characters a owl:DatatypeProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "number of characters"@en, "numero di caratteri"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "number of characters"@en, "numero di caratteri"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The number of Chinese characters in a Calli-Writing Unit."@en, "Il numero di caratteri cinesi in una Calli-Writing Unit."@it .
pr:organisation-type a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "organisation type"@en, "tipo di organizzazione"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "organisation type"@en, "tipo di organizzazione"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The type of an organisation."@en, "Il tipo di organizzazione."@en .
pr:performance-art-type a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "performing art type"@en, "tipo di arte performativa"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "performing art type"@en, "tipo di arte performativa"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The type of performing art."@en, "Il tipo di arte performativa."@it .
pr:product-type a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "product type"@en, "tipo di prodotto"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "product type"@en, "tipo di prodotto"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The type of a product."@en, "Il tipo di prodotto."@it .
pr:projected_work a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "projected work"@en, "opera proiettata"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "projected work"@en, "opera proiettata"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The work of art projected during a performance."@en, "L'opera d'arte proiettata durante una performance."@it .
pr:publication-type a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "publication type"@en, "tipo di pubblicazione"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "publication type"@en, "tipo di pubblicazione"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The type of a publication."@en, "Il tipo di pubblicazione."@it .
pr:relevant-activity-location a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "relevant activity location"@en, "posizione attività rilevante"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "relevant activity location"@en, "posizione attività rilevante"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The relevant place(s) where the person performs her activity."@en, "Il luogo/i rilevante/i in cui la persona svolge la sua attività."@it .
pr:shows-items-of-artist a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "shows items of artist"@en, "mostra elementi dell'artista"@it;
skos:prefLabel "shows items of artist"@en, "mostra elementi dell'artista"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The artist whose artwork(s) has been exihibited at an exhibition."@en, "L'artista la cui opera è stata esposta in una mostra."@it .
pr:significance a owl:DatatypeProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "significance"@en, "significato"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "significance"@en, "significato"@it ;
rdfs:comment "Indicates the presence (or absence) of meaning in a unit."@en, "Indica la presenza (o l'assenza) di significato in un'unità."@it .
pr:song-title a owl:DatatypeProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "song title"@en, "titolo della canzone"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "song title"@en, "titolo della canzone"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The title of a song played during a performance."@en, "Il titolo di una canzone suonata durante un'esibizione."@it .
pr:source a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "source (public)"@en, "fonte (pubblica)"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "source (public)"@en, "fonte (pubblica)"@it ;
rdfs:comment "Public source related to the record."@en, "Fonte pubblica relativa al record."@it .
pr:tag a owl:DatatypeProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "tag"@en, "tag"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "tag"@en, "tag"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The signature of the artist."@en, "La firma dell'artista."@it .
pr:tag_of a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "tag of"@en, "tag di"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "tag of"@en, "tag di"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The name of the artist or crew or symbol represented by a tag."@en, "Il nome dell'artista o della troupe o il simbolo rappresentato da un tag."@it .
pr:teaching-subject a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "teaching subject"@en, "materia didattica"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "teaching subject"@en, "materia didattica"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The subject which has been taught by a professor."@en, "La materia che è stata insegnata da un professore."@it .
pr:trascription-and-translation a owl:DatatypeProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "transcription and translation"@en, "trascrizione e traduzione"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "transcription and translation"@en, "trascrizione e traduzione"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The transcription and translation of the resource."@en, "La trascrizione e la traduzione della risorsa."@it .
pr:uses-artwork a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "uses artwork"@en, "utilizza opere d'arte"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "uses artwork"@en, "utilizza opere d'arte"@it ;
rdfs:comment "An artwork implied in a performance or in the creation of the artwork (use 'creates artwork' for those artworks which have been created during a performance)."@en, "Un'opera d'arte implicita in una performance o nella creazione dell'opera d'arte (usare 'crea un'opera d'arte' per quelle opere d'arte che sono state create durante una performance)."@it .
pr:vectorised-digitised-artwork a owl:DatatypeProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "vectorised or digitised"@en, "vettorializzato o digitalizzato"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "vectorised or digitised"@en, "vettorializzato o digitalizzato"@it ;
rdfs:comment "Indicates whether the artwork has been vectorised or digitised."@en, "Indica se l'opera d'arte è stata vettorializzata o digitalizzata."@it .
pr:visual-element a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "visual element"@en, "elemento visivo"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "visual element"@en, "elemento visivo"@it ;
rdfs:comment "A visual element (motif)."@en, "Un elemento visivo (motivo)."@it .
pr:wikidata-resource a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "wikidata resource"@en, "risorsa wikidata"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "wikidata resource"@en, "risorsa wikidata"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The wikidata resource which identifies this record."@en, "La risorsa Wikidata che identifica questo record."@it .
pr:write-id a owl:ObjectProperty, skos:Concept ;
skos:inScheme ;
rdfs:label "write ID"@en, "write ID"@it ;
skos:prefLabel "write ID"@en, "write ID"@it ;
rdfs:comment "An internal identifier for the resource."@en, "Un identificatore interno per la risorsa."@it .
#SKOSMOS specific classes and properties for display purposes
rdfs:domain a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "domain"@en, "dominio"@it ;
skos:definition "A domain of the subject property."@en, "Il dominio della proprietà."@it .
rdfs:range a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "range"@en, "codominio"@it ;
skos:definition "A range of the subject property."@en, "Il codominio della proprietà."@it.
rdfs:isDefinedBy a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "isDefinedBy"@en, "eDefinitoDa"@it ;
skos:definition "The defininition of the subject resource."@en, "La fonte della definizione dell'entità."@it .
rdfs:subClassOf a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "subClassOf"@en, "sottoclasseDi"@it ;
skos:definition "The subject is a subclass of a class."@en, "Il soggetto è una sottoclasse di una classe."@it .
rdfs:subPropertyOf a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "subPropertyOf"@en, "sottoproprietaDi"@it ;
rdfs:comment "The subject is a subproperty of a property."@en, "Il soggetto è una sottoproprietà di una proprietà"@it .
rdfs:comment a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "comment"@en, "commento"@it ;
rdfs:comment "A description of the subject resource."@en, "Una descrizione della risorsa oggetto."@it .
dcat:downloadURL a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "download URL"@en, "URL di scarico"@it .
owl:Class a rdfs:Class ;
rdfs:label "Class" .
owl:ObjectProperty a rdfs:Class ;
rdfs:label "ObjectProperty" .
owl:DatatypeProperty a rdfs:Class ;
rdfs:label "DatatypeProperty" .
owl:inverseOf a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "inverseOf" ;
rdfs:comment "The property that determines that two given properties are inverse." .