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KNOT Technology Thesaurus


The KNOT Technology Thesaurus is a knowledge organization system developed by the Digital Humanities Advanced Research Center at the University of Bologna as part of the KNOT pilot project. The purpose of this thesaurus is to provide a hierarchical classification and definitions for a variety of technological concepts related to the research projects and scholarly digital objects catalogued by the KNOT project, such as the formal languages and information architecture used. The thesaurus is used in the KNOT catalogue and intended to help increase the visibility of the digital objects created by humanities research. Definitions are taken from trusted sources and the thesaurus is intended as a starting point to improve and spread authority control records for the technologies used in humanities research.


/DH.ARC - Digital Humanities Advanced Research Centre


Laurent Fintoni, Francesca Tomasi, Marilena Daquino





Ultima modifica

Saturday, February 10, 2024 00:00:00

Data di pubblicazione

Friday, June 30, 2023 00:00:00

Nota editoriale

Updated LOC urls to URIs to correctly display in related box. Adjusted objects of mapping properties to be more consistent in usage of closeMatch and relatedMatch based on SKOS documentation. Adjusted irregular use of capitalisation. Added alt labels for plurals.



Numero di risorse per tipo


Numeri di concetti per lingua

Lingua Termini preferiti Termini alternativi Termini nascosti